Super Soap Weekend, Day 2, 2008 – over 400 photos!
Here is day 2 of the Super Soap weekend in photos! I have over 400 pictures here, very heavy on General Hospital and some One Life to Live as well.
I had posted this paragraph on my day 1 entry (for anyone interested):
This site is a hobby (I recoup some costs, but not nearly all), so please realize that if you don't see your favorite celebrity (I got nearly everyone).
I may sell some of the images to help support the site – if I do, that won't be until next week at the earliest. Site partner does plan to come out with a DVD of the event (he already has a Luke and Laura event DVD and a 10th anniversary Super Soap Weekend DVD set! If you are interested in the upcoming DVD for this event, you can get on a waiting list by emailing \n !
The motorcade from General Hospital:
Kirsten Storms:
Bradford Anderson:
Jason Cook:
Julie Marie Berman:
Brandon Barash:
The Star Conversation show: