Media “Boo Camp” at Universal Studios – Learning to be a Scare Actor
I wasn't sure at the beginning that I'd be able to scare anyone – I personally don't like to be scared or startled too much, and I thought perhaps that would effect me getting to scare others. But I actually was able to scare quite a few people. I stayed away from young kids, and anyone who looked too terrified. I also eventually stayed away from anyone who looked hard to scare, because usually they just tried to scare me back. 🙂 This set of pics shows I actually could scare other people:
More photos:
The makeup wasn't too hard to remove – peel the boils off, the paint took a little longer. The total time with makeup (on and off) was probably a half hour.
I had debated whether to do this, especially after hearing that sometimes the crowds can get a big rowdy with the actors. I did not experience any of that, I actually wished it had gone on a little longer. It helped me a lot to be the one scaring instead of being scared, and I had a really great time. You can see more of the story at, and video at!