Disneyland Paris Shares Newest Ride & Learn Video: The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Hi everyone!
Disneyland Paris shared their newest Ride & Learn video, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. It includes information that would be more general to the attraction (like that the Imagineers watched all 156 Twilight Zone episodes to capture atmosphere) and also ride details specific to the updated Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Walt Disney Studios Park in Disneyland Paris. For example, that the three stories are based on the Twilight Zone episode “Little Girl Lost”. The IMDB synopsis on this episode is, “Awakened in the middle of the night by the cries of his daughter, a father enters the girl’s room to find that she has vanished – even though he can still hear her crying out for help.”
There is some terrific footage of the attraction here and a look at Disneyland Paris at night from the top. More information is below the video about the ride!
Back in February we shared an article on the music of the attraction. Thomas Zielinski of Phantom Manor Legends said in that article provided by Disneyland Paris: “The new musical ambiance of The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror – A New Dimension of Thrills, has a heavier atmosphere than the previous one to better convey the darker – and sometimes crazier – tone of the new scenarios. Fear, just like a good musical ambiance, can transcend the boundaries of language, and I think this new version of the attraction has shown us that perfectly.”
These are the three stories in the Tower of Terror at Disneyland Paris.
The Malevolent Machine
A little ghost girl haunts this elevator. But she is the least of your worries. Because as soon as you take your seat, this malevolent machine only has one thing in mind – to trap you in its mechanical prison and clank and screech with glee as it catapults you up and plummets you down at its wicked will.
The only thing you can do is hold tight. And scream!
The Shaft Creatures
“They know you’re here. Whatever you do, don’t scream!” Some demonic creatures have control of the elevator and they’re preying on the cries of human souls – the louder your pleas for mercy, the more powerful they become. Can you stay silent while plummeting 13 unlucky floors at the speed of fright?
The 5th Dimension
Don’t get lost in this dimension! A sinister spectre has opened the 5th dimension and wants to take your soul with it. Prepare to question everything you think is real as you’re dropped into a terrifying psychedelic journey between worlds.
I look forward to riding Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disneyland Paris again – this last update definitely made it a little scarier and gave it a unique twist no other park has.
As of this writing, the parks have not reopened after the end of October closure. There is no known date for reopening yet.