Disney News

Walt Disney World to Provide More Than 1,000 Thanksgiving Meals for Those in Need

Hi everyone!

Walt Disney World chefs have been busy preparing Thanksgiving dinners for those in need this year at Coalition for the Homeless and Harbor House of Central Florida. Disney Cast Members will serve the meals directly to the individuals and families – over 1,000 Thanksgiving dinners!

Disney says about this annual tradition, The holidays are all about traditions, and this is one of our favorite annual traditions … 25 years in the making!

Disney World Executive Chef, John Prieto stated, “We put so much of ourselves into the meals we prepare for our guests in the parks, but doing something like this for our community means the world to us – especially during a holiday that’s all about giving thanks and giving back”.

Disney shares this Thanksgiving infographic. 15 Disney VoluntEars will spend their Thanksgiving serving meals for the homeless this year, including over 400 pounds of turkey, 220 pounds of potatoes and 140 pies. 15 Disney chefs spend around 30 hours preparing and packing the Thanksgiving meals.

It is wonderful to see Walt Disney World Cast Members taking time out of this busy season to help others less fortunate, and for Walt Disney World to provide the meals.