Disney Park and Resort Photo Updates

Electric Umbrella Closes at Epcot – Photos and Video from Final Day

Hi everyone!

The Electric Umbrella counter service restaurant at Epcot is now behind walls after it served its last customers yesterday. There is a very large park transformation going on right now, most of it in Future World. Not only did Electric Umbrella close, but Pin Central did and the breezeway and area around it. I did not eat here often, but I have some nice memories with friends. What I didn’t realize until yesterday though was that Electric Umbrella was so allergy friendly for those needing accomodations  – that was brought up on my social media a number of times. I hope that when Taste Track Burgers and Fries opens in the coming days that it will offer some similar items. And Regal Eagle Smokehouse is due to open any day as well.

Here are photos and video yesterday from the Electric Umbrella!

I stopped by the restaurant before its 11 a.m. opening. I was expecting to see others photographing but nobody else was, so I had a pretty empty restaurant. I went back later to photograph the upper level. The Electric Umbrella was a large counter service location, which right now is mostly going to be replaced by Taste Track Burgers and Fries as well as some food at The Epcot Experience on the East side of the park.

Here is our video followed by more photos.

This whole area is now behind walls. I will post those photos in another article.

Electric Umbrella stuck to its theme – there were plenty of umbrellas (and bolts of electricity).

Walking inside, there was a menu and the sign.

The food was basic counter service food, like Cosmic Ray’s at the Magic Kingdom.

This sign inside was similar or the same as the one outside.

Here is a look at the register area before it opened.

There were several umbrellas overhead.

The screens were not yet showing the menus yesterday.

There were also two staircases, I will show upstairs lower down.

The drink fountains were themed to Electric Umbrella.

The seating area offered lights shaped as umbrellas.

The view from here and the outside patio looked out on the fountain before that was removed.

Here is another view of the lights.

Back downstairs, looking at the carpeting and tables.

And a view of the registers from this side.

The stairs were blocked off even at 11 a.m., so I came back a little later.

This was the upstairs dining area.

And looking down again.

The patio was where we usually met friends.

It offered nice views and music, especially when the fountain was in place.

Pin Central can be seen in the background. Yesterday was the last day as well for it – there weren’t too many pins anymore, they were moved to the Camera Center (which doesn’t really deal with cameras at all anymore). I checked to see if there was a camera SD card there today (I forgot mine), but no. It doesn’t seem like any are sold on property, so bring a backup.

Here is a view of the tarps overhead.

This was Pin Central yesterday. I did buy pins here around the Millennium timeframe primarily.

Here is the breezeway, also behind walls today.

And a look from the breezeway into Electric Umbrella.

That is it! I am excited for the future of Epcot, but it’s good to document and say goodbye to what we’ve known over the years. The Electric Umbrella was a guest favorite spot for food – we have friends who loved it. The transformation is fully in progress now, with so much new coming in the future.