Disney News

New Zebra Foal is Named Dash at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park

Hi everyone!

If you ride Kilimanjaro Safaris in Disney’s Animal Kingdom park at Walt Disney World, keep your eyes out for the newest Hartmann’s mountain zebra foal running around the savanna! The zebra foal was born May 17 and was named Dash by the Disney keepers “in honor of his spunky spirit and dash stripe on his left shoulder”. The dash stripe is identical to the one on the shoulder of his mom Heidi.

(David Roark, photographer)

Dash is the first zebra born at Walt Disney World this year. Walt Disney World has three types of zebras: Hartmann’s mountain zebra, Grevy’s zebra and plains zebra.

(David Roark, photographer)

Dash was born on the savanna on May 17th, 2021 and was standing up with his mom in the moments after his birth. Dash and Heidi then bonded backstage. Heidi also gave birth last year (March 2020) to a baby girl named Asha.

(David Roark, photographer)

Dash was born as part of the Species Survival Plan program.

I look forward to seeing them next week at Disney’s Animal Kingdom!

(David Roark, photographer)