Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris VoluntEARS Bring the Magic of Christmas to Hospitalized Children

Hi everyone!

Disney VoluntEARS at Disneyland Paris (many with their families) volunteered their time and energy to wrap several thousand Christmas gifts for young patients in more than 60 hospitals across France. Disneyland Paris had shared this article in French about the wonderful and annual holiday initiative, and I ran it through Google Translate.

This is such a lovely tradition for Disney VoluntEARS and their families. Read more below from Disneyland Paris!

In joy and good humor, more than 170 families came to volunteer their time and energy to carefully wrap more than 3,000 Christmas gifts intended to brighten the days of young patients in more than 60 hospitals across the country. This strong and recurring commitment from Disneyland Paris reflects the destination’s ongoing commitment to those who need it most and its desire to spread the Disney magic beyond the park gates. These gifts, specially wrapped with care and festive spirit, will be distributed in pediatric wards of hospitals, offering hospitalized children a moment of happiness and comfort during the festive season.

“At Disneyland Paris, we believe in the magic of Christmas and the power of generosity. This mobilization once again demonstrates the united and generous spirit of Disney VoluntEARS, whose positive impact resonates well beyond this day…” underlines Éric Pires Augère, coordinator of the Park’s patronage actions.

Each gift was carefully selected to bring a smile to the children’s faces, and the wrapping process was a moment of joy shared by young and old. Gifts include a variety of toys, games and festive items, carefully tailored to each age group.

For Christelle, Disney VoluntEAR came as every year with the family to this packing session “This meeting has become a family tradition for us! Always in a good mood, it is important to share the magic of Christmas with hospitalized children and involving my children in this action, who are always delighted to be there, is a very nice way of instilling in them values ​​of sharing for those who have the Not needed anymore”.

The distribution of these gifts will begin at the beginning of December in more than 60 hospitals across France. And Stitch himself will participate in the gift distributions alongside VoluntEARS, notably at the Grand Hôpital de l’Est Francilien and on Christmas Day in Paris.