Denise's Corner

Gaylord Palms Resort ICE! Sneak Peek as Exhibit Takes Shape – November 7th, 2015

Hi everyone!

The Gaylord Palms Resort invited us back again for another sneak peek into the exhibit as 40+ artisans from Harbin, China craft ICE! “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”. We were there less than 2 weeks ago as the artisans began the month-long process of carving 2 million pounds of ice into the classic story. Ice slides are beginning to take shape, and the popular Nativity scene is complete. ICE! begins on November 24th, 2015 and lasts until January 3rd, 2016. It is always fascinating to me that it takes a month to create these sculptures, which will be enjoyed by guests for just 5-6 weeks before they melt away for the season. It is like a museum in that you can enjoy the art, but only temporarily. I always encourage guests to bundle up with extra gloves, double socks and a warm hat to enjoy ICE! for a little longer. And make at least a half day of your experience! There is a new show this year to enjoy called Cirque Dreams UnWrapped, and the Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt. It is never Christmas for me now without seeing the 54-foot Christmas tree being lit for the season.

As we arrived to the Gaylord Palms Resort, holiday decorations were being added to the resort. Guests can enjoy not only 2 million pounds of carved ice, but 2 million lights once everything is complete.

Our first look inside ICE! was at the Nativity scene. Much of it was covered up to keep the figures pristine, but we were able to get a look at a few of the carved sheep. This is done with crystal clear ice, which is the hardest to create. The Nativity scene is always the final room, so make sure to keep bundled up so you can spend a little time here.

The colors of the ice seem to get more vibrant every year.

A carved gingerbread man was waiting to be placed.

This will be a mouse, but not THE mouse. 🙂 But it is always fun finding what looks like a hidden Mickey!

An artisan carves ice pieces.

Ice hearts and peppermints wait to be added to the display.

It was 9 degrees, the same temperature as it will be on opening day. Guests receive parkas during the event to wear through ICE!, I liked the shorter coat we were given to use while touring. Since we usually spend an hour or so inside ICE! on the first day to photograph, we always keep bundled up. Yesterday we spent about a half hour inside, and I did okay without a hat. It was quite warm outside – almost 90 degrees!

A wreath hangs in the slide room.

Two of the four slides looked nearly ready to use! This year, Gaylord Palms is offering the Freezin’ Season Pass for ICE!, which hasn’t been offered for a few years. We look forward to many rides down the slides!

Sculpures were added to both slides.

The “On the Blocks” bar was taking shape. This can be added as an upgrade to ICE!, and we enjoyed our drinks here last year.

The moon was already hung in this room.

The rest of the resort is mostly decorated already, except for the main Christmas tree.

I always enjoy the decorations inside the revolving doors at the front entrance to Gaylord Palms Resort.

These candles look real, but they aren’t. Even up close they look real!

We are just about 2 weeks away until ICE! Featuring ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas begins. Check the Gaylord Palms Resort website for special offers and more information.

Full disclosure: We will be the guests of Gaylord Palms Resort this year for ICE!, all opinions are ours. ICE! was a holiday tradition for us before we were invited as media.