Disney Park and Resort Photo Updates

Planet Hollywood Observatory Name Takes Shape; Paddlefish & The Edison Construction Update at Disney Springs (Updated August 15th, 2016)

Hi everyone!

Planet Hollywood at Disney Springs now has the “Observatory” being added to the front of the building. There is still a lot more work to be done, I’m not sure when the actual opening of the Planet Hollywood Observatory will be (it says summer, but it doesn’t really look close enough). The photos here are mostly from August 13th and 15th.

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The Planet Hollywood Observatory will be themed as observatory from the early 20th century.

The restaurant will still have memorabilia from movies and television.

Here is a look at the concept art that includes the “Observatory” lettering.

Just a day earlier, the lettering hadn’t yet been added.

I updated this article with many more photos on August 15th from different angles.

The word “Observatory” can be seen from several sides.

Looking down at work behind the walls.

Workers on one side of the building.

The Coca-Cola Store roof does offer a great angle to view the construction.

Here is a look from the other side of Planet Hollywood.

And from the Blaze Pizza area.

A closer look at work being done on this side of the building.

And Paddlefish at Disney Springs (formerly Fulton’s Crab House and before that, Empress Lilly) had been promised a “bow to stern” stripping down, and that definitely has happened. The boat looks more like the frame of a boat right now.

Here is a look at the restaurant from further back.

And a closer look.

Looking down the length of the boat.

There is no longer lettering on the boat saying “Fulton’s Crab House”, and it looks like they are “full steam ahead” on this changeover.

I took photos of the restaurant with concept art on the morning the signage was added in April.

Here is a closer look at the artwork.

And a couple of photos of the boat yesterday after sunset.

The back of the boat of the upcoming Paddlefish restaurant, which is scheduled to open this fall.

Disney Springs continues keeps moving forward with changes, and will continue to at least into next year with new additions. Here is a look at The Edison construction from August 15th.

There is so much still to come!