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Disney’s Grand Floridian Decorated Easter Egg Display 2018 Offers 20 New Eggs Including “Aladdin” and “The Wizard of Oz” Themes

Hi everyone!

Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort now has its decorative Easter Egg Display up for the seventh year in a row! Every year is different, with a combination of newer and older eggs. There are about 20 new ones this year, and probably between 20 and 30 eggs from previous years – a few actually have become permanent fixtures at the resort year-round. Disney’s Beach Club Resort also has a decorated Easter Egg display this year, I posted about that a few days ago. This display will run through April 10th, 2018.

The sign for Disney’s Grand Floridian Easter Egg Display was not yet posted, but the eggs are mostly 16-20 inches tall and 9-12 pounds each. They are created from edible items including chocolate and fondant. This year, we arrived as the eggs were being placed out for viewing. The display – just as Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort Gingerbread House – is created from the talented team under Executive Chef Erich Herbitschek.

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Here is our video, then read the article with photos!

\When we arrived, the eggs were being put into place.

During the early years of the display, the eggs were displayed just here at the front of the lobby. But as the display has grown, there are eggs now flanking the sides of the lobby and some in back as well.

New this year is an Aristocats egg next to a returning Baymax egg. We’ll see more of the Aristocats egg later in the article.

There is a two-sided Nightmare Before Christmas egg. A lot of the eggs are decorated as intricately on the back as on the front.

Zero is part of this egg.

Jack and Sally are on it as well, lit up.

Jack and Sally close up.

And one last look at some details of the egg.

Aladdin is the theme for this new egg.

Genie can be seen from this angle.

And the flying carpet here. There are some lights on the egg as well.

This is one of my favorite of the egg displays, my first thought was of Horton because it is an elephant on an egg.

For maybe the entire seven years of Disney’s Grand Floridian Easter Egg Display, there have been intricately sculpted animals as part of it. One of my favorites has been a puppy on an egg, which wasn’t here this year. I asked Saturday if there was one Cast Member who handles the designing of the animals, and was told that is the case.

Beauty and the Beast is the theme of this egg.

And on the other side.

Cinderella’s coach and horses are part of a carousel.

This is the other side of the Artistocats egg I showed earlier.

Here are some views of the egg.

The beautiful Minnie Mouse egg below is also new.

The villain cauldron is a returning egg this year, and includes Maleficent.

Cruella is on the egg, and you can see the decorations on the bottom of the egg include elements from other villains. Like here, the Queen of Hearts.

The Wizard of Oz is new this year. Cast Member Fabi said it was a homage to The Great Movie Ride, which closed last year.

Fabi poses with her creation.

There is even a yellow brick road.

Wreck-It Ralph is a theme here, with the second movie coming out later this year. Cupcakes can be seen below the egg.

Here are a few close-ups.

Robin Hood returns again this year.

The Brave and The Fox & The Hound eggs are back.

A bunny holds a carrot.

This egg is a returning one, celebrating The Lion King.

These three eggs – a steampunk egg, a Frozen egg, and BB-8 – those all return this year.

Two bunnies sit with a chick.

Lady and Tramp are back this year.

New and another one of my favorites is this egg themed to Oliver & Company.

Dodger looks like he’s windblown and has sausages around his neck like in the movie.

This is just a very fun sculpt, with Oliver behind him.

Pinocchio is back again this year.

New and returning eggs sit side by side throughout the display.

It was a beautiful day at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort! I always enjoy the creativity of the Cast Members, who work really hard to bring such gorgeous artwork to guests each year.