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“Avengers: Endgame” Press Conference Brings Together Filmmakers and Cast; Brie Larson Talks About First Captain Marvel Appearance (w/Full Video)

Hi everyone!

We sent our reporter to the Los Angeles press conference for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame. The film has been breaking records in ticket sales and the interest in this press conference is way above anything I’ve seen in six years of posting about movie junkets (I think second only to Avengers: Infinity War).

Producer Kevin Feige and directors Anthony and Joe Russo were joined by stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson, Paul Rudd, Danai Gurira and Karen Gillan. Executive producer Jon Favreau hosted the press conference, which included half of the chairs being empty for those who had fallen. Here is our full video of the Avengers: Endgame press conference and article below it – including Brie Larson talking about filming Avengers: Endgame before Captain Marvel. There is almost 50 minutes of press conference, so I hit just a few highlights.

Jon Favreau was introduced as among other things, “Happy Hogan himself” as the press conference opened. He began with his notecards, which said “I’m happy…no pun intended, that’s what it says on the card (to laughter) to be here with you today.” He mentioned how he had been with MCU since it was a “screaming toddler” before it became a “big, vast family”. He then had the curtain drop to a lot of seats unoccupied before saying, “Clearly things look different in a post-Infinity War Marvel Cinematic Universe (to more laughter). Post-snap, there are a few empty seats”.

Much of the press conference is Favreau talking with each actor individually about his or her character and the community that they have built. Paul Rudd (Scott Lang/Ant-Man), who just turned 50 the previous day said, “Getting to work with all of these actors…in this series of films, is a one-off. It will never happen again, not for me.” He continued, “It is so surreal and profound and incredible to be a part of it.”

Favreau turned to Brie Larson (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel) and said that everyone was waiting to see Captain Marvel as part of Avengers: Endgame. He said it was like someone being called up as a designated hitter with the bases loaded after the end credits were shown in Avengers: Infinity War and a clue was given for Captain Marvel. He asked Brie Larson how that felt. She said to laughter, “Stressful when you put it like that! I felt kind of chill but now I’m scared?”. She continued, letting everyone know what film came first for her. “I came at just the most magical time, I think….to come exactly at this ten year anniversary. Really, my first introduction to everyone was the ten year photo, which was a really remarkable and special day.” She also said, “This film will also be personally dear to me because it was my first time playing Captain Marvel. I shot this first. So I had to stumble and try to figure out who this character was with no script for this and no script for Captain Marvel.”

The audience laughed when Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Incredible Hulk) was asked if the cast felt like family to him. “It doesn’t feel like family to me, because we all really get along well. There’s not that much drama.” Then he turned around to look at the cast and said, “No, it does feel like family, it’s the family you wished you had, in a way. I don’t know if you could tell, but it’s a little bit different press conference than the last time. It has a little bit sort of…sadness to it (more laughter). They’re all talking about like we’re dead…’Oh, I loved working with these guys it was great knowing them, they were great Boggle players’. He went on to say it as a bittersweet moment. “This is the closest thing you have to continuity and friendships, and watching people grow up and have children and then get married and get divorced, and then get remarried.” Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow) broke in as everyone laughed and joked that it was very tacky.

Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez, 2019 Getty Images

It is later in the press conference where there are a lot more interactions between the actors and filmmakers and there are questions from the press attending.

Check out the whole 47 minute press conference above! I didn’t notice any spoilers, the discussion tends to be very general and I found it enjoyable to listen to.

Avengers: Endgame releases April 26th, 2019!