Disney Park and Resort Photo Updates

Photos of 4-Year Old Baby Elephant Stella from January 2021 at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Disney’s Animal Kingdom park welcomed baby elephant Stella just over 4 years ago. I don’t see her too often when we ride on the Kilimanjaro Safaris so it was really nice to get a nice view of her yesterday.  Disney first posted about Stella’s arrival on January 4th, 2017 as she was making her way for the first time onto the savanna after bonding with her mom backstage. Stella is now 4 years old and still considered a baby (apparently an elephant is considered a baby until 5-10 years old when it is weaned).

It was a beautiful day and not busy.

We took two rides on Kilimanjaro Safaris and saw Stella during one of them. The driver didn’t know if Stella was with her mom or possibly a sister. Stella’s birth had made her the 10th elephant in the herd.

The two elephants are reflected here.

Disney says about the elephant habitats,

Our elephant habitats are designed to enrich the animals’ lives and encourage them to display natural behaviors such as social interaction, foraging and play.

Spread out over 7 expansive acres (28,300 m2), the habitats include mud wallows, rocks to rub against, a variety of natural plants and trees for foraging and exploration and 3 pools—deep enough for several elephants to swim in at once!

Here are a few more photos of Stella and the elephant she walked with.


It was really fun to see her out and about yesterday! Each safari is different and you never know which of the animals you might see or which ones might be active. The Disney+ series Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom definitely put a much bigger spotlight on the baby animals – and there are many – that arrive on the savanna regularly.