Disney Park and Resort Photo UpdatesMagic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom Easter Pre-Parade 2023 Photos & Video

Hi everyone!

We were at the Magic Kingdom today for the Easter Pre-Parade. We have photos and video to share!

The Magic Kingdom Easter Pre-Parade is very similar to last year, with White Rabbit, Mr. & Mrs. Easter Bunny and Clara Cluck. Also, the Fantasia Hippos and Ostriches return, along with performers dressed as butterflies, flowers and chickens.

First, here is our multi-angle video of the Magic Kingdom Easter Pre-Parade. The pre-parade ran today and will also run tomorrow (Easter Sunday). We were at the 11:45 a.m. pre-parade before the noon Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade.

And here are our photos! I took some in Frontierland and others in Town Square.

I ended up near Liver Lips McGrowl. The Country Bears are roaming around Frontierland now, as opposed to distanced up above like they had been since 2020.

The Magic Kingdom Easter pre-parade is on the way!

The Fantasia hippos and ostriches are behind the banner.

One of the hippos stopped for Liver Lips.

Here is one of the ostriches.

Dancers are next. This section reminds me of the Main Street Trolley Show that used to happen in the Magic Kingdom.

Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny are in the gazebo float for the pre-parade.

Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny also have a meet and greet in Liberty Square.

Performers in butterfly and flower costumes are with the White Rabbit.

And performers dressed as chickens are ahead of Clara Cluck.

Clara Cluck is in her barn.

She interacts with Liver Lips here.

And the Magic Kingdom Easter Pre-Parade is over!


The Magic Kingdom Easter Pre-Parade is always a nice way to kick off Easter weekend.