Disney Park and Resort Photo Updates

Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort Main Building Refurbishment Update from July 16th, 2023

Hi everyone!

The main building refurbishment of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort continues. We stopped by there a few weeks back and shared photos, and I was asked a few times since then if I could post another update.

Here are photos from yesterday of both the exterior and interior of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort’s main building.

There is some roof work that has been going on, we could see it from the monorail and then the boat as we arrived to the resort.

Construction walls still work their way around the main building.

There are signs outside showing the way to Gasparilla Island Grill.

The last time I was here, Gasparilla Island Grill was harder to locate. There is still a very small walkway to get to the counter service location.

There is also a sign on the door (with an extra “e”.)

The walkway to this door (that enters next to the Grand Floridian Café) is also pretty narrow now and the ramp here is closed. There is ramp access elsewhere.


Nearby, the Summerhouse roof work appears to have been completed (I last photographed here almost a month ago).

Here is a look at the walls along the building.

I started heading inside the building.

This walkway is closed as well.

The interior doesn’t look that different than a month ago.

Photos of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort were added to this construction wall that takes up a section of the lobby.

Guest rooms are being refurbished here and scrim covers all the work.

Construction equipment can be seen behind the walls.

We should have another update in a few weeks or so. I don’t know how long the refurbishment of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort’s main building will be. I don’t think that the lobby is being refurbished yet since it’s getting closer to the holidays.



2 thoughts on “Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort Main Building Refurbishment Update from July 16th, 2023

  • Thanks for all that you do! Have you been there lately by any chance? Wondering what it all looks like currently.

    • Hi Greg! Thanks for visiting and reading. I haven’t been there since that article, but I expect to be back sometime this week for photos. – Denise

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