Magic Kingdom

Disney Villains Cavalcade Brings Villains into the Daylight Hours During Halloween at the Magic Kingdom 2020 (Photos, Video)

Hi everyone!

We have been posting photos and videos from opening day of the Halloween season at the Magic Kingdom. With no Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party this year, Halloween offerings have been pushed into the daytime hours with socially distanced cavalcades and character experiences. One of those cavalcades is the Disney Villains Cavalcade, which will run “select days” (we were told 5 days per week, as will the Nightmare Before Christmas Cavalcade).

We have been asked about what the difference is between the cavalcades and a parade. With the cavalcades, they are not announced and are usually one float (or trolley) passing by multiple times each day. This is my favorite of the cavalcades so far, though I really like them all – it is nice to hear familiar music especially from Mickey’s Boo-to-You Halloween Parade.

Here is our multi-angle video of the new cavalcade.

There are more characters and performers than I expected in each of the Halloween cavalcades. The Disney Villains cavalcade includes Gaston, Captain Hook, Queen of Hearts, Bowler Hat Guy, Maleficent and Evil Queen on the Chernabog float.

I have also been asked about the crowds. It was busier than I have personally experienced during the morning for cavalcades – Cast Members did come around telling people to distance from other groups. These were the first cavalcades of the Halloween season. I’m going to show what the Disney Villains Cavalcade looked like at about 1:00 pm further down in the article – with a lot less guests.

From our vantage point on Main Street, Gaston was front and center in front of the other characters.

Until now, he has been part of the Fantasyland Friends Cavalcade on horseback.

It is not often we see Maleficent during the daytime hours. Nor many of the other villains.

She is her normal menacing self.

The Evil Queen is on the back.

Here is one last look at the evil Queen on the back of the float, and then we will move to a much less crowded experience.

We waited with friends for the various cavalcades in the hub starting before 1:00 p.m. The Disney Villains Cavalcade was just hitting the hub at this time. There was no problems with social distance. I cannot guarantee it will be your experience but so far, we’ve always had much better luck with extra distance later in the day with various cavalcades.

Gaston can be seen rounding the bend.

The Queen of Hearts and Bowler Hat Guy walk behind Gaston.

Jafar is also on the float with Maleficent.

He mostly looked the other way, I’ll get more photos on Sunday.

And here is one last photo of the Evil Queen.

Sunday is the day the Dapper Dans start as the Cadaver Dans! We plan to visit in the afternoon to see them and catch a few of the current offerings again.